CIRCLE November 6th ON YOUR CALENDAR! and remember to VOTE BRANDON NEWTON FOR STATE HOUSE. Every vote counts! If you’re planning to be out of town, remember to vote absentee.
PLACE A SMALL SIGN IN YOUR YARD. We have yard signs and larger signs available. If you know of a good location for a large sign, please contact the campaign. If you would like a smaller sign to display in your yard, we will bring one to you!
INVITE BRANDON TO MEET YOUR FRIENDS! Host a small meet-and-greet at your home or in your neighborhood. Invite your neighbors and friends and let Brandon meet them. He’ll win them over!
HOST A FUNDRAISER. To run a winning campaign costs money. Any investment is greatly appreciated.
TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Only around 35% of registered voters show up and vote. Every vote counts and we need you to help us get people to the polls!
EMAIL, CALL, WRITE! Let your friends know why they should vote for Brandon and why you’re supporting him. Contact 10 friends and tell them why Brandon.
WRITE A LETTER TO EDITOR Let your whole town know why you’re voting for Brandon. Submit a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. (The campaign can help you if you need it)
CAN WE USE YOUR NAME? Allow the campaign to use your name as a supporter on campaign materials like the website, mailers, and online social media.
MAKE CALLS FOR THE CAMPAIGN. The campaign will be making voter contact calls closer to the election. Plan to block off a few hours to make calls to remind people to vote for Brandon. (The campaign will provide a list of registered voters in your precinct)
HELP REGISTER PEOPLE TO VOTE! You would be surprised how many friends you have who are not registered to vote! Help them out and give them a voice with a vote. (The campaign will help get the correct forms to you.)